Disaster Preparedness from FSBDC at UWF

Disaster Preparedness

Business disaster resources to help you prepare for natural disasters, and recover quicker and better.

Getting a plan assists businesses in developing a family and/or business plan using the Florida Division of Emergency Management’s online templates, checklists, and other references.

Ready Business assists businesses in developing a preparedness program by providing tools to create a plan that addresses the impact of many hazards. Ensure you have the information and resources you need to be ready.

Every business should have a Business-Ready “Records-To-Go” box that includes important documents and supplies necessary for business to continue after a disaster. Make sure the box is fire- and waterproof. Some suggested records include:

  • Business continuity, emergency preparedness, and disaster recovery plan
  • Emergency contact list of employees and key customers
  • Insurance policies and agent information
  • List of suppliers and vendors
  • Back-up computer systems and data files
  • Bank records

For more helpful tips on how businesses can protect their assets, support their employees, and safeguard critical business processes, review our Dare to Prepare Flyer (PDF).

Agility Recovery, in partnership with the SBA, has developed their hurricane preparedness checklist to help businesses prepare for a hurricane’s effect on your business, employees, and community, by highlighting activities you should undertake before, during, and following the event.

When the FLVBEOC has been activated to a Level 1 — a full-scale, 24-hour activation — they provide businesses with valuable preparedness information.

Businesses should be aware that local authorities will require employees seeking re-entry to impacted areas to provide a driver’s license or passport, proof of employment or a letter on company letterhead, and proof of a demonstrated need to enter the area, such as a work order or employer authorization.

Florida Commerce and Florida Jobs local government Emergency Bridge Loan information

Federal disaster loan information

Federal Emergency Management Agency information